Monday, 7 November 2011

National BIM Library - Draft Content for Comment

Those on the National BIM Library linkedin group may now download a sub-set of draft content to review and comment on. A bit of an overview on the why and how behind is below.

Why use National BIM Library Content?
  1. Richness of data
    The quality of property-set information attached to the object is of a high quality in the NBL objects. Acoustic designation, Fire designation, Electronic Lock, Break out facility, Hold open… this is in addition to the standard COBie parameters. This is the information that is required behind the basic geometrics. It’s been designed for what is required in schedules and care has gone into deciding whether these are instance or type properties
  2. Supports effective workflow
    Where manufacturer objects exist – their proprietary information will populate these standard property-sets. This allows the scheduling of generic and proprietary objects together. This also helps with product selection. This also assists with the maintenance of the facility after it is built.
  3. Intuitive geometric behaviour
    Whether a door is double action or has a planted stop. Whether it has architraves front or back or adjusting the sizes of the vision panels. All parametric behaviour for the geometric visualisations that is typically required on a project.
  4. Designed for UK custom and practice
    Where British Standards or Building Regs define dimensions these have been considered in the design of the objects. Equally objects are pre-configured in common UK metric sizes so they are ready to use immediately.
  5. Maintained objects
    The objects will not simply be written once and then left. They will be maintained over time. As standards and regulations change and new building technologies emerge, then the objects will be reviewed and updated.
A simple walkthrough
A walkthrough in Autodesk Revit 2012 is shown below. Those not using Revit may view the content in IFC 2x3 format using the free BIM viewing tool Solibri Model Viewer.

Fig 1 - Detailed help files are provided to get started

Fig 2 - Design a basic floor layout using the external and internal walls

Fig 3 - Load some door objects into your project and position in the building

Fig 4 - Where different wall type objects are used, rename these so they are unique to the project

Fig 5 - Make your door objects project specific too by modifying the detailed parameters

Fig 6 - Geometric parameters may influence the appearance of the object in elevation or plan

Fig 7 - Modify the COBie parameters

Fig 8 - Export the model to IFC2x3 and see the parameters come through in a platform neutral format

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