Thursday 15 December 2011

thinkBIM - Half Day getBIM Conference - an update

Just a quick blog post to say that the BIM conference in Leeds on Wednesday was a really fantastic day.

Update from Paul 15/12 - All slides from the event will be available at the URL - 

A really good atmosphere and great use of technology to make things interesting and also involve others around the UK (and the world!).

1. Dedicated twitterers
There were two full time tweeters/live bloggers active on the day, Su Butcher (@SuButcher) and Paul Wilkinson (@EEPaul).

These two have an incredible 80,000 tweets and 14,000 followers between them. So they probably have forgotten more about Twitter than I'll ever know. :)

2. Live presentation from the USA
Mark Sawyer, CEO, VICO joined the conference by Skype to present his views on BIM.

3. Pecha Kucha Showcase
I'd never heard of  Pecha Kucha (although I thought I once ordered it in a restaurant with a.pint of Kingfisher to accompany it) But this was rapid fire presentation like never seen before. Exactly 20 slides, exactly 20 seconds per slide. Then done.

4. Roundtable discussions
I chaired the discussion on BIM and specification. The second of these was streamed live on the Internet and the live blogging by Su Butcher can be viewed at the website:
(click link above and scroll down page to the cover it live blog).

Some screen captures from this below...

3:12 The roundtable had started

3:25 Will the CAD model and the specification model integrate to form a true BIM?

3:35 How can the problem of interoperability possibly be solved?

3:58: We need standards, we need high quality library information for BIM

4:09 Software and data providers need to get together and give the users what they demand

And finally, a big "well done" to @ckegroup for doing a great job of putting the day together and running it so smoothly!


  1. Hi Stephen,

    Thanks for sharing our work at the Get BIM conference. It was a very interesting day for me and clearly useful for the participants. By sharing the event more widely we hope to bring other professionals into the conversation and help make BIM a part of the process to 'fix' our construction industry.

    Great to meet you in the flesh at last as well!

  2. Thanks for the blog post, Stephen. It might be worth highlighting that the presentations from the event will also be available on the same Be2camp webpage you mentioned (I have just posted Mark Sawyer's slides, and we hope to add the Pecha Kucha slides shortly). This is how we can help share ideas and knowledge so that future events don't "reinvent the wheel", but build on the ideas already out there.
