Tuesday 7 July 2015

Free interactive online training modules for NBS Create users

NBS Create users may have noticed that there is a new 'NBS eLearning' section now promoted within the software. This is a series of short, interactive, training modules that can be accessed via the web using your NBS Create username and password.

The direct link is - theNBS.com/Training/eLearning/NBSCreate
To get help on how to get the best out of NBS Create - click the eLearning link
There are currently 17 of these learning modules. They cover all aspects of NBS Create from specification creation to editing to publishing.
17 online training modules
Each module is dedicated to a topic and this is split into three simple sections - (1) a walkthrough, (2) an interactive tutorial and (c) an interactive quiz.
Best practice advice on how to add content to your project specification
The walkthroughs are around four or five minutes long, are nicely paced and voiced over by our training team.
Example walkthrough
The tutorials are interactive and as you click and read the support material they advance through the lesson.
Example tutorial
Finally, each module has a short quiz at the end to reinforce the lessons learned for that topic.
Example quiz
So if you are an NBS Create user, check out these new online training modules.

For more information on NBS training and support please visit our website below:
- theNBS.com/Training

Saturday 4 July 2015

Game on - Retro gaming exhibition

If like me you have a career connected with the 'digital-world' in some way - and you are around about 40 years old - then you probably have fond memories of the computer games from the 1980s and 90s.

Currently at The Life Science Centre Newcastle the Game On 2.0 focuses on these games. Loads of games you can play and some behind the scenes stories and concept artwork. Some photographs below...

Mario on the side of Life Centre Newcastle
Huge Pong
One of my favourites - Asteroids
Haven't lost it - top of the charts!
The best driving game - Ridge Racer
Early handheld devices - Touch Me?!?!
Rare Pac-Man and Donkey Kong hand-helds
The 'all conquering' Nintendo Game Boy
Original concept art from Tomb Raider
Little-Hamil tries his hand at Donkey Kong
Original Donkey Kong concept sketches
Used to love this game - Atari Star Wars
Those based in the North East may want to consider a visit: