Wednesday 28 April 2021

International use of Uniclass 2015 - Japan

There was an excellent presentation as part of a conference yesterday ran by the Japanese Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism about Uniclass 2015.

I was made aware of it and although my foreign languages are poor (apologies - GCSE French only), the process and the use of Uniclass 2015 during a developed design is clear. We've already seen Uniclass 2015 being mandated by states in Australia and have heard of translations into Spanish and Portugese for use in South America and Central America. Is this further evidence of Uniclass 2015 slowly becoming the classification for BIM around the world?

To see the full presentation which is in the public domain, visit the Japanese MLIT website:

Google Translate helps on the HTML links

Using the EN and SL tables at an early design stage

Using the EF and Ss tables as the design progresses 

Writing outline specifications for the specific system types

Defining which products make up each systems using the Pr table

Writing technical content for the outline specifications using NBS template clauses

Linking 3D model objects with the associated specification clauses

For more information on Uniclass 2015 see:

For more information on NBS Chorus see:

Opinions - Building product manufacturers

 As a part of the NBS Construction Leaders' Summit we did a number of Microsoft Teams sessions where we asked questions of the industry around specific topics.

Two of these videos looked at the subject of building product manufacturers. Watch them below...

1. What advice would you give to building product manufacturers?

2. What's your experience of being a manufacturer on the NBS platform?

To find out more about NBS Source see:

Opinions - Specification

As a part of the NBS Construction Leaders' Summit we did a number of Microsoft Teams sessions where we asked questions of the industry around specific topics.

Two of these videos looked at the subject of specification. Watch them below...

1. How does a well-written specification help on a project?

2. What one feature do you like best about NBS Chorus?

For more information on NBS Chorus see:

Friday 23 April 2021

Opinions - Building safer

As a part of the NBS Construction Leaders' Summit we did a number of Microsoft Teams sessions where we asked questions of the industry around specific topics.

Two of these videos looked at the subject of building safer. Watch them below...

1. What is your understanding of the phrase 'the golden thread'?

2. How can you track specification decisions through to completion?

Opinions - Sustainability

As a part of the NBS Construction Leaders' Summit we did a number of Microsoft Teams sessions where we asked questions of the industry around specific topics.

Two of these videos looked at the subject of sustainability. Watch them below...

1. How do you ensure sustainability is a factor on projects?

2. What are you seeing now on projects that you weren't ten years ago?

Opinions - New ways of working

As a part of the NBS Construction Leaders' Summit we did a number of Microsoft Teams sessions where we asked questions of the industry around specific topics.

Two of these videos looked at new ways of working like digital and using standardized assemblies. Watch them below...

1. How is 'going digital' helping you improve?

2. Can aspects of your designs be standardized?

Opinions - The Construction Industry Challenges

As a part of the NBS Construction Leaders' Summit we did a number of Microsoft Teams sessions where we asked questions of the industry around specific topics.

Two of these videos looked at the challenges the construction industry faces. Watch them below...

1. What are the biggest challenges the industry has to deal with?

2.  What is a good example of how you are dealing with these challenges?