Monday, 23 January 2012

COBie parameters within the National BIM Library objects

In response to question on this blog from Rahul Shah to the post "NBL - LRUG"...

The COBie parameters that will be included within National BIM Library objects are as follows. All are type parameters unless stated otherwise. These are from COBie version 2.26, but it is our understanding the the UK Government COBie file format will be slightly different from this and will be published at the end of Q1 this year. National BIM Library will be adjusted to reflect any changes.
  • BarCode [Instance] The identity of the bar code (or rfid) given to an occurrence of the product.
  • Colour Characteristic or primary color of product.
  • Constituents Optional constituent features, parts or finishes.
  • ServiceLifeDuration The service life that an artefact is expected to have under current operating conditions.
  • Features Other important characteristics or features relevant to product specification.
  • Finish Characteristic or primary finish of product.
  • Grade Standard grading which the product corresponds.
  • InstallationDate [Instance] The date that the manufactured item was installed.
  • Material Characteristic or primary material of product.
  • NominalHeight Typically the vertical or secondary characteristic dimension.
  • NominalLength Typically the larger or primary horizontal dimension.
  • NominalWidth Nominal width of product, typically the characteristic or secondary horizontal or characteristic dimension.
  • ProductionYear The year of production of the manufactured item. (Note that this is from the IFC property set Pset_ManufacturerTypeInformation and not strictly COBie)
  • ReplacementCost An indicative cost for unit replacement.
  • SerialNumber [Instance] The serial number assigned to an occurrence of a product  by the manufacturer.
  • Shape Characteristic shape of product.
  • Size Characteristic size of product.
  • TagNumber [Instance] The tag number assigned to an occurrence of a product (by the occupier).
  • WarrantyDescription Description of the warranty.
  • WarrantyDurationLabor Duration of labor warranty (years).
  • WarrantyDurationParts Duration of parts warranty (years).
  • WarrantyGuarantorLabor Organization acting as guarantor of labor warranty.
  • WarrantyGuarantorParts Organization acting as guarantor of parts warranty.
  • WarrantyStartDate The date on which the warranty commences.
I wrote a short article on this subject:

The best place for information on this is:

The above page has links to YouTube lecturers from Bill East and also sample files (screenshots below) that include model files, IFC exports and COBie exports in MS Excel format.

If you have any specific questions on COBie, there is a linkedin group
Both Bill East and Nick Nisbet are active on this group and answer questions quite promptly.
1. Example Apartment

2. Example Office Building

3. Example Clinic

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